
Updates, additions and improvements to Lemon Squeezy

Jun 13, 2024

Product links

With our new product links feature you can now share up to 3 important links with your customers, which they can access after purchase. Easily share links to an online file, your own customer support page, or anything you want, safe in the knowledge that only paying customers can access those links. Learn more.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Share up to 3 important links with your customers.
  • Update links or remove them at any time.
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Apr 11, 2024

AI-assisted docs + help

We recently rolled out a new search tool which allows you find the answers you need with a little help from AI. Choose either a standard search, or ask questions for detailed Ai-assisted answers that guide you through how to set up or use Lemon Squeezy effectively. Try it via our Docs or Help Center.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Aavailable from our docs search bar or help center embed.
  • Search as standard, or Ask AI your questions using natural language.
  • AI-enhanced results pull answers from our website, docs and Github.
  • Contact support directly any time you get stuck.
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Feb 20, 2024

PayPal Subscriptions

We're excited to share that Lemon Squeezy now supports PayPal subscriptions. This new addition to our platform provides merchants with yet another way to receive subscription payments around the globe, making it easier than ever for you and your customers. View our docs or visit our PayPal Subscriptions page.

Fixes & Improvements

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Feb 6, 2024

Lemonsqueezy.js 2.0

Say hello to lemonsqueezy.js v2 — Enjoy new levels of efficiency with full type-safety and tree-shakeability. Along with some improved docs and repo management we've completely rewritten the JS SDK. View the update. We would like to thank @keyding for their massive contribution to this release.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Bun: Transitioned to Bun for repo management.
  • Type-safe: Written in TypeScript and documented with TSDoc.
  • Tree-shakeable: Use only functions that you need.
  • Improved docs: Added detailed Wiki pages for the new SDK functions.
  • Deprecate old SDK classes and methods
  • Unit tests: Introduces comprehensive unit tests for all functions.
  • Improved repo management
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Feb 6, 2024


We recently launched Wedges - An open-source collection of UI components for React and an ever-expanding design system for Figma. With Wedges, you get a range of pre-built, customizable components that are easy to use and integrate into your React projects.

Check out version 1.2.1 on GitHub. With new components and improvements rolling out all of the time, here's a quick look at some recent Wedges updates:

Fixes & Improvements

  • Added Slider component
  • Added Progress Circle component
  • Added Progress Bar component
  • Added of Tailwind shorthand classes
  • Added xs screen size
  • Update dependencies
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